Bibliography ============ Articles on computation of Nash equilibria ------------------------------------------ .. [Eav71] B. C. Eaves, "The linear complementarity problem", 612-634, Management Science , 17, 1971. .. [GovWil03] Govindan, Srihari and Robert Wilson. (2003) “A Global Newton Method to Compute Nash Equilibria.†Journal of Economic Theory 110(1): 65-86. .. [GovWil04] Govindan, Srihari and Robert Wilson. (2004) “Computing Nash Equilibria by Iterated Polymatrix Approximation.†Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28: 1229-1241. .. [Jiang11] A. X. Jiang, K. Leyton-Brown, and N. Bhat. (2011) "Action-Graph Games." Games and Economic Behavior 71(1): 141-173. .. [KolMegSte94] Daphne Koller, Nimrod Megiddo, and Bernhard von Stengel (1996). "Efficient computation of equilibria for extensive two-person games." Games and Economic Behavior 14: 247-259. .. [LemHow64] C. E. Lemke and J. T. Howson, "Equilibrium points of bimatrix games", 413-423, Journal of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics , 12, 1964. .. [Man64] O. Mangasarian, "Equilibrium points in bimatrix games", 778-780, Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 12, 1964. .. [McK91] Richard McKelvey, A Liapunov function for Nash equilibria, 1991, California Institute of Technology. .. [McKMcL96] Richard McKelvey and Andrew McLennan, "Computation of equilibria in finite games", 87-142, Handbook of Computational Economics , Edited by H. Amman, D. Kendrick, J. Rust, Elsevier, 1996. .. [PNS04] Ryan Porter, Eugene Nudelman, and Yoav Shoham. "Simple search methods for finding a Nash equilibrium." Games and Economic Behavior 664-669, 2004. .. [Ros71] J. Rosenmuller, "On a generalization of the Lemke-Howson Algorithm to noncooperative n-person games", 73-79, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 21, 1971. .. [Sha74] Lloyd Shapley, "A note on the Lemke-Howson algorithm", 175-189, Mathematical Programming Study , 1, 1974. .. [Tur05] Theodore L. Turocy, "A dynamic homotopy interpretation of the logistic quantal response equilibrium correspondence", 243-263, Games and Economic Behavior, 51, 2005. .. [Tur10] Theodore L. Turocy, "Using Quantal Response to Compute Nash and Sequential Equilibria." Economic Theory 42(1): 255-269, 2010. .. [VTH87] G. van der Laan, A. J. J. Talman, and L. van Der Heyden, "Simplicial variable dimension algorithms for solving the nonlinear complementarity problem on a product of unit simplices using a general labelling", 377-397, Mathematics of Operations Research , 1987. .. [Wil71] Robert Wilson, "Computing equilibria of n-person games", 80-87, SIAM Applied Math, 21, 1971. .. [Yam93] Y. Yamamoto, 1993, "A Path-Following Procedure to Find a Proper Equilibrium of Finite Games ", International Journal of Game Theory . General game theory articles and texts -------------------------------------- .. [Harsanyi1967a] John Harsanyi, "Games of Incomplete Information Played By Bayesian Players I", 159-182, Management Science , 14, 1967. .. [Harsanyi1967b] John Harsanyi, "Games of Incomplete Information Played By Bayesian Players II", 320-334, Management Science , 14, 1967. .. [Harsanyi1968] John Harsanyi, "Games of Incomplete Information Played By Bayesian Players III", 486-502, Management Science , 14, 1968. .. [KreWil82] David Kreps and Robert Wilson, "Sequential Equilibria", 863-894, Econometrica , 50, 1982. .. [McKPal95] Richard McKelvey and Tom Palfrey, "Quantal response equilibria for normal form games", 6-38, Games and Economic Behavior , 10, 1995. .. [McKPal98] Richard McKelvey and Tom Palfrey, "Quantal response equilibria for extensive form games", 9-41, Experimental Economics , 1, 1998. .. [Mye78] Roger Myerson, "Refinements of the Nash equilibrium concept", 73-80, International Journal of Game Theory , 7, 1978. .. [Nas50] John Nash, "Equilibrium points in n-person games", 48-49, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 36, 1950. .. [Sel75] Reinhard Selten, Reexamination of the perfectness concept for equilibrium points in extensive games , 25-55, International Journal of Game Theory , 4, 1975. .. [vanD83] Eric van Damme, 1983, Stability and Perfection of Nash Equilibria , Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Textbooks and general reference ------------------------------- .. [Mye91] Roger Myerson, 1991, Game Theory : Analysis of Conflict , Harvard University Press.