Detailed table of contentsΒΆ
- An overview of Gambit
- The graphical interface
- Command-line tools
- gambit-enumpure: Enumerate pure-strategy equilibria of a game
- gambit-enumpoly: Compute equilibria of a game using polynomial systems of equations
- gambit-enummixed: Enumerate equilibria in a two-player game
- gambit-gnm: Compute Nash equilibria in a strategic game using a global Newton method
- gambit-ipa: Compute Nash equilibria in a strategic game using iterated polymatrix approximation
- gambit-lcp: Compute equilibria in a two-player game via linear complementarity
- gambit-lp: Compute equilibria in a two-player constant-sum game via linear programming
- gambit-liap: Compute Nash equilibria using function minimization
- gambit-simpdiv: Compute equilibria via simplicial subdivision
- gambit-logit: Compute quantal response equilbria
- gambit-convert: Convert games among various representations
- Python interface to Gambit library
- Sample games
- For contributors: Ideas and suggestions for Gambit-related projects
- Refactor and update game representation library
- Implementing algorithms for finding equilibria in games
- Enumerating all equilibria of a two-player bimatrix game using the EEE algorithm
- Improve integration and testing of Gametracer
- Interface with lrslib
- Finding equilibria reachable by Lemke’s algorithm with varying “covering vectors”
- Computing the index of an equilibrium component
- Enumerating all equilibria of a two-player game tree
- Solving for equilibria using polynomial systems of equations
- Implement Herings-Peeters homotopy algorithm to compute Nash equilibria
- For developers: Building Gambit from source
- Game representation formats
- Bibliography